I have been making art in one form or another since I was very young. My favorite mediums change over time from oils to pastels, from greeting cards to mixed media. Finding a creative community here in Tucson has reignited my passion to paint, draw, write, and share with other artists. As my body of work grows, I will post it here or on other platforms, and hopefully in public spaces and galleries soon.

Meanwhile, feel free to reach out for inquires regarding commissions for portraiture, custom greeting cards, wine labels and more.

Workshops & Classes

Collage & Mixed Media Madness

Let’s make some magic by combining the 2D visual arts and language in this mixed media workshop. We’ll explore new ideas and learn techniques in collage, stamping, painting, printmaking, and assemblage. In the process, you’ll create a one-of-a-kind travel journal (often called an artist’s journal) that can be purely aspirational or for specific travel plans, plus artist trading cards and a unique, abstract portrait. No experience is necessary – just a willingness to play!

Meets: Sunday Afternoons, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Dates: Feb. 25, Mar. 3 & 10
Location: TPS Art Center (2447 N. Los Altos Ave., Tucson, Arizona 85705)

Instructor: Me!
Format: Lecture and demonstration, studio practice with individual feedback, and one-on-one instruction.
Level: All levels are welcome! No experience is needed. Beginners are most welcome!

Medium: Collage & mixed media
Technique: Art journaling, collage & mixed media techniques.
Materials: The instructor will email a list of supplies or materials before the first session. 

Visit here for more information and to register.